Tradition has it:
Shimr ordered that Hussain's party should leave the river bank and pitch their tents away from it.
Abbas and others refused, but Hussain told them to comply and move tents about 200 yards away.
River bank was immediately occupied by the Kufan soldiers.
Abbas and others refused, but Hussain told them to comply and move tents about 200 yards away.
River bank was immediately occupied by the Kufan soldiers.
Hussain's 'Army':
Some say 72, among them were men of over 80 and children of 13 and 11 and even a 6 month old baby.
The youngest son of Hussain was only a month old when he left Madina 5 months back.
خیمے سے نکلے شہ کے عزیزان خوش خصال
جن میں کئی تھے حضرت خیر النسا کے لال
قاسم سا گلبدن ، علی اکبر سا خوش جمال
اک جا عقیل و مسلم و جعفر کے نونہال
سب کے رخوں کا نور سپہر بریں پہ تھا
اٹھارا آفتابوں کا غنچہ زمیں پہ تھا