Thursday, November 14, 2013

Miss You, Abbaji

This was written on November 14th, 2013

Today is the Aushura Day, ie 10th of Muharram, and is also the 19th anniversary of Abbaji.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
The more I grow older the more I realize what a guy he was.
Carefree, funny, witty, caring, sensitive and honest.
He was unable to acheive many wordly goals.
In fact he settled for a lot less than what was expected of him by his family.
Somehow he was content with what he had. What he did not have bothered him not that much.
Always managed to bring some fruit on daily basis on his way home. We always had sweets at home.
Perhaps that is why mother always thought he had more than he actually had.
When mother got sick, he took care of her for a long time, assisting her in all activities of daily life.
She perhaps did not know that he was not that well either.
He never let me know what problems and humiliation he had to go for me for my issues with the authorities.
He made sure if either of us were unaware of the expectation of the others.
Worked behind the scenes to keep us together.
He was a good man. Wish that I had known him more when he was around.
I miss you Abbaji.
Be Well.

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